Meet the Team: Jim Moyd
Running a large metal manufacturing operation is not easy, even if Jim Moyd makes it look that way. After 40 years in the industry, Jim, A.L.P.’s Director of Operations for Metals, has seen widespread technological change, managed hundreds of employees, overseen thousands of orders, and solved more than his share of problems.

Jim is known around A.L.P. for his work ethic and calm temperament. He balances the numerous challenges of efficiently managing a large manufacturing plant, overseeing quality, process improvements, and long-term planning by keeping customers foremost in all his decision making. He believes in providing the right products at the right price, right on time!
When he’s not at A.L.P.’s Lithia Springs plant, he enjoys golf, woodworking, and home improvement, along with supporting the Georgia Bulldogs and Atlanta Braves. Jim and his wife Vicki live outside Atlanta and have two children, three grandchildren, and three grand dogs.
Atlanta Braves, Director of Operations, Georgia Bulldogs, Golf, Jim Moyd, Lithia Springs, manufacturing plant, Meet the Team, Metal Fabrication, Sheet Metal Workers