Meet the Team: Alan Dorsky
At one of Alan Dorsky’s first sales meetings with A.L.P., he was kind enough to include a pronunciation guide to help attendees decipher his extremely strong, distinctive Boston accent. Fortunately for our customers, phrases like “Pahk the cah in Hah-vahd yahd,” rarely come up during lighting sales calls!
Alan’s lighting career spans over four decades, as he’s held sales and sales management positions with a number of lighting companies including Nutone Manufacturing, Sterling Lighting and Lightcraft of California. With that much time in the industry, Alan has numerous sales “war stories.” He will certainly never forget, for example, visiting customers in the Midwest and having to drive through a solid three hours of tornadoes to get to his destination!

Alan joined A.L.P. when we purchased his family’s company, Reflek Manufacturing. He spent 19 years as Reflek’s VP of marketing and sales and has been instrumental in the continued success of this custom line of spun aluminum reflectors. Alan also heads sales for A.L.P.’s global sourcing solutions program.
He and his wife Nancy live in Scituate, Massachusetts. They are parents to sons Adam and Jason, and proud grandparents of Miles, Jameson, Evan and Justin. As Alan and his fellow Bostonians would say, his family is “wicked good!”
Alan Dorsky, Boston, Four decades, Global Sourcing, lighting industry, Meet the Team, Reflek, sales, Spun Aluminum Reflectors