Do you need to meet the new DLC® Premium requirements?
Are you struggling to meet the Standard requirements? LexaLite® Reflexor® reflectors can help you achieve the glare control numbers you need!

Design Lights Consortium (DLC) evaluates light fixtures against increasingly stringent standards of performance. Most recently, DLC published v5.1, which not only addresses fixture efficacy, color issues, and zonal distribution but also puts a value on glare reduction. The metric used is the Unified Glare Rating (UGR). If you are trying to qualify for DLC Premium, DLC requires that you meet the glare criteria.
In A.L.P.’s testing, we compared a bare “UFO” highbay with the same fixture adding both our LENA 16™ and S16 reflectors. Using the prescribed criteria, this test yielded the following results: bare UFO =23.9, with LENA 16 = 13.1 and with S16 = 10.9, respectively. Highbays need to be less than 22 to qualify for DLC Premium.
What if you are just struggling to meet DLC Standard LPW for your highbay? DLC now provides a 10% allowance if your fixture meets the criteria for UGR. Adding a prismatic reflector reduces LPW by 3-7%, and you gain 10% with the allowance!

Even the extremely shallow and economical Lena 16 has a significant impact on UGR. Why? It’s just math. Glare is based on several factors, including high angle light, size of the source, and background luminance. Our Reflexors improve all of these factors.
- Reflexors reduce high angle light, providing a shielding angle relative to their depth.
- Bare UFOs are essentially flat luminous surfaces. Reflexors increase the luminous volume dramatically
- Reflexors provide uplight, which increases the background luminance.
These three factors improve visual comfort and make adding a LexaLite Reflexor an easy choice! Make a better highbay while meeting DLC requirements for Glare by using LexaLite Brand Reflexors.
See our entire offering at:
color issues, Design Lights Consortium, DLC, DLC Premium, fixture efficacy, High Bay, Highbays, improve visual comfort, LENA 16, LexaLite, LPW, luminance, reflectors, Reflexor, UFO, UGR, Unified Glare Rating, zonal distribution