lighting products

AL16 High Bay Reflectors

The AL16 is a spun, anodized aluminum reflector intended for use with POD style LED High Bay/Low Bay sources. Unlike traditional reflectors, the AL16 is shallower to allow higher beam angles. Its large flat top allows it to be easily adapted to most any fixture without the need for expensive collars. The lower flange mimics traditional reflectors allowing for a wide range of bottom optics/lenses and standard clamp bands.


High bay and low bay applications where a traditional fixture appearance, brightness control and/or wide distribution are desirable.


  • Standard Spun, Anodized Aluminum is cost effective and provides a traditional yet low profile appearance
  • Adaptable to any LED POD with an opening of up to 10 inches
  • Adapts well to hot, humid environments and areas using manufacturing and cleaning chemicals/solutions
  • Accommodates standard 16” diameter A.L.P.-LexaLite lenses including the Model 351 Drop Lens, 816 Conical Drop Lens and flat lenses. Bottom lenses are primarily used in applications where brightness control is paramount. Bottom lenses also enhance up-light.


8.5’’ H x 16” diameter
Approximate weight 6 lbs

High-efficiency anodized
spun Aluminum

816 Conical Drop Lens
816 Smooth Flat Lens
16” Clamp Band
816 Wire Guard
350-361 Tapered Drop Lens, Counterbore Rim

Optional Add-Ons

16" Conical Drop Lenses

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16" Smooth Flat Lens

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16" Clamp Band

351 Drop Lenses

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